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Drowning Prevention

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OCAP Father Engagement

The Father Leadership Program invites fellow fathers and father figures in your community to connect and share about parenting experiences, and engage in a “non-judgmental” dialogue and build relationships with fellow participants.

Drowning Prevention

Window Safety and Fall Prevention

Over 120 children in Orange County have fallen out of 2nd story or higher windows in the last five years. Window fall injuries include, but are not limited to: bone fractures and breaks, traumatic brain injuries, neck and abdominal injuries, and fatalities. The majority of falls occur with a window screen in place and are most prevalent among children ages 0-5. Through education, public awareness, advocacy, and resource allocation, The Raise Foundation and Orange County's Child Abuse Prevention Council believe the incidence of pediatric window falls can be significantly reduced.

Water Safety- Drowning Prevention

Drowning consistently remains the leading cause of death for children 1-4 years of age, and among the top-five leading causes for those under the age of 18 years, both in Orange County and California. Each year, near drowning incidents also result in life-long disabilities.

Mandated Reporting

The Raise Foundation, convening Orange County’s Child Abuse Prevention Council, has focused on Mandated Reporting for much of the organization’s history by providing comprehensive trainings and workshops to professionals seeking training opportunities.

Human Trafficking & Sex Trafficking

The Raise Foundation, convening Orange County’s Child Abuse Prevention Council, serves on several collaborative boards that address and combat human trafficking including the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force and the Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Steering Committee.

Safe Sleep

The Raise Foundation distributes Safe to Sleep Public Education materials in-person and digitally year-round. Materials include brochures and tip sheets.

Safe Surrender

The Raise Foundation distributes safe surrender public awareness material year-round and features the information prominently during “Keep Kids Safe, Healthy and Happy" presentations.

Resource Family Recruitment

With over 2,000 children in Orange County requiring safe and stable families and housing, either temporarily or permanently, The Raise Foundation supports County of Orange Social Services Agency’s efforts to recruit new resource families.

Mental Health

The Raise Foundation recognizes the importance of mental health and providing culturally appropriate behavioral health resources and services.

Financial Literacy

While we primarily recognize April as Blue Ribbon Month, April is also Financial Literacy Awareness Month.

Substance Use Disorder

The Raise Foundation has engaged in public awareness campaigns, presentations and professional training focusing on issues related to substance use disorder.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Toxic Stress

The Raise Foundation (TRF) and Orange County’s Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) have worked collaboratively across Orange County and California to create an Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) informed network of care.

Raise For Kaitlyn

The Raise Foundation has crafted bilingual public awareness materials addressing Kaitlyn’s Law and distributes these in-person and digitally throughout the year.

Volunteer Spotlight

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